1. 晚上疼得更厲害嗎?
Do you feel even more painful at night time?
2. 是持續(xù)性疼還是陣發(fā)性疼?
Does the pain come and go or do you feel painful constantly?
3. 牽涉得頭部痛或頸部疼痛嗎?
Did the pain extend to any pans of your head or neck?
4. 是針刺樣疼痛還是隱隱作痛,或脹痛?
Do you feel sharp or dull pain? Or do you feel lot of pressure where it hurts?
5. 咬東西的時(shí)候疼嗎?
Does it hurt when you chew?
6. 疼了多長(zhǎng)時(shí)間了?
How long has it been hurting?
7. 每次疼痛持續(xù)多長(zhǎng)時(shí)間?
When it hurts, how long does it last?
8. 這顆牙根尖周圍發(fā)炎了。
This tooth has a periapicalinfection.OrThis tooth has an infection around the root tip.
9. 我用冰來(lái)試一下,會(huì)有一些疼痛。
I am going to test it with something cold and you might feel sonic discomfort.
10. 我用熱牙膠棒來(lái)試一下
I am going to test it with something hot(Or heated GP point)
11. 我來(lái)給您照張X-ray
Let’s take an x-ray to get a better picture of what is going on.
12. 我需要給您照一張全景片
You need to take a panoramic X-ray to have a better examination of the whole upper and lower jaws.
13. 這個(gè)牙齒與臨牙接觸的位置有個(gè)齲壞,已經(jīng)引起牙神經(jīng)發(fā)炎,我需要給他做根管治療。
This tooth has a decay and has infected the nerve too. You will need a root canal treatment.
14. 首先,我要給您打麻藥,使這顆牙失去知覺(jué)。可能您會(huì)覺(jué)得牙粘膜上有一下刺痛。然后給牙齒鉆一個(gè)洞,將其中的牙神經(jīng)取出,再將牙根管清理干凈后充滿藥?,F(xiàn)在為牙齒所做的充填是暫時(shí)性的,希望不要用這邊牙齒咀嚼。我會(huì)為您預(yù)約一周后繼續(xù)治療。
First I have to anesthetise the area near the infevted tooth, to numb it up. You might feel a small pinch. Then we will clean up the decay and remove the infected nerve. The canals will be shaped and cleaned, and a temporary medicated filling will be put in. Remember, this filling is only temporary, and you should avoid chewing on that side. You should make another appointment in a week to continue (or complete) the treatment.
15. 這個(gè)牙的治療一共約需要兩到三次就診。
To complete this whole treatment, it might need 2 to 3 appointments.
16. 今天我要先給你封殺神經(jīng)的藥?;厝ミ@一兩天可能會(huì)有一些疼。這是正?,F(xiàn)象,如果特別疼的話請(qǐng)及時(shí)和我聯(lián)系。
I have put in some medication today. When anesthetics wears off, the tooth might feel hurt, and this discomfort would usually last couple of days. This is normal. If the soreness is too severe, you should give me a call immediately.
17. 治療后牙齒可能會(huì)稍稍有一點(diǎn)脹痛,可以吃三天到五天的抗生素,我們這兒沒(méi)有,我給您開(kāi)處方,您可以到藥店購(gòu)買(mǎi)。如果疼痛加重您跟我聯(lián)系
Post-operative discomfort will wear off slowly in few days. I will prescribe 3-5 days of antibiotics for you, and you can get it filled at the local pharmacy. If you don’t feel better after 3 days, please give me a call.
18. 失活后的牙齒由于沒(méi)有神經(jīng)營(yíng)養(yǎng)和血液供應(yīng)變脆,容易折斷,需要做牙冠來(lái)保護(hù)。
A non-vital tooth has its circulation and nutrients cut off, and therefore it is more fragile. It should be protected with a full coverage crown.
19. 烤瓷冠比較脆,最好不要用來(lái)咬太硬的東西。
Porcelain crowns are quite fragile and should not be used to chew on very hard things, such as ice, crab shells, hard candies and so on.
20. 拔牙后,24小時(shí)唾液中會(huì)帶少量血絲,不用擔(dān)心,如果出血較多,一定和我們聯(lián)系。
After teeh extraction, your wound will bleed slightly but don’t be alarmed. There is usually trace amount of blood mixed with saliva. If you are not too sure, please give me a call.
21. 拔牙后可能這幾天牙槽窩會(huì)輕微有一些疼,這是正常的,如果疼痛較明顯一定要和我們聯(lián)系。
It is normal to have some post-operative pain associated with extraction, but if overt, please give me a call.
22. 拔牙后要吃一些涼的和軟的食物,不要進(jìn)食太熱的和硬的食物。
After extraction, avoid any food that is too hard or too hot.
23. 拔牙后24小時(shí)不能刷牙和簌口,不要舔傷口,不要使勁吐口水。24小時(shí)可以刷牙但別刷到拔牙窩。
Within the first 24 hours, no brushing or rinsing; don’t touch the area with your tongue; don’t rinse or spit vigorously. After 24 hours you can brush your teeth, but avoid the extracted area.
24. 現(xiàn)在我要給您注射麻藥,您會(huì)覺(jué)得牙齦上有一下刺痛。
I am going to numb up the tooth now and you will feel a small pinch.
25. 您覺(jué)得嘴唇有麻木的感覺(jué)了嗎?
Do you feel numbness on your lips?
26. 我要試一下麻藥的效果,您這一區(qū)域有疼痛感嗎?
I am going to check if you are numbed enough. Do you feel any discomfort here?
27. 現(xiàn)在我要為您拔牙了,您可能會(huì)覺(jué)得這一區(qū)域有拽的感覺(jué)。
I am going to take out the tooth for you.You might have a pull-feeling.
28. 這顆牙劈裂了,無(wú)法挽救了,需要拔除。
This tooth is cracked and is not salvageable. It needs to be removed.
29. 這顆牙是一顆智齒。它會(huì)頂著前邊一顆牙,使前邊的牙齒很容易齲壞。并且它的牙齦會(huì)反復(fù)發(fā)炎。它沒(méi)有咬合作用。永遠(yuǎn)也長(zhǎng)不正了要拔除它。
Your wisdom tooth is pushing on the molar in front of it and makes it very hard to clean. This might cause decay or gum infection in the area. Since the wisdom tooth has no chewing function and extracted will only cause hygiene problem, I will recommend naving your wisdom tooth to be removed.
30. 這是一顆阻生牙。這顆牙需要去骨,切開(kāi),拔牙后要縫幾針,一周后再拆線。
In order to remove this tooth, we need to perform a minor surgery in the area. After the extraction, we need to put in some sutures. You have to return within 1 week for post-operative check and removal of the sutures.
31. 可能在拔牙過(guò)程中我們要用牙科錘敲一下,您會(huì)感覺(jué)有一些震動(dòng)
During the procedure, you might feel some vibration when we are trying to extract tooth, but don’t be alarmed.
32. 好,牙拔下來(lái)了,看一下您的牙齒,它很完整。他已經(jīng)分成幾個(gè)根了。但根尖很完整。
Good, your tooth has been extracted. Though it came out in pieces, the tooth is completely removed.
33. 好,咬住這個(gè)棉卷,一小時(shí)后再吐掉。
OK. Please bite down on the gauze and you can throw it away in an hour.
34. 你這顆牙患了嚴(yán)重的牙周炎。由于牙齦和牙槽骨萎縮,牙周支持組織已經(jīng)無(wú)法保證牙齒的功能,牙齒開(kāi)始松動(dòng),咬合無(wú)力或咬合痛。我要清潔牙冠上和牙根上的牙石。
This tooth has severe periodontal decease (infection of gum and bone around the tooth). Surrounding bone is receded and there is not enough support for this tooth, that’s why it is loose and Painful on chewing. I will have to first clean out all the calculus that is above and below the gum.